GROWTH | hilum ring | navybean_hilum ring,hilum ring shape,measured as: absent,butterfly,narrow | absent - absent | | | |
GROWTH | plant height | navybean_plant height,measured as: plant height (cm) measured at R8 stage (pod filling) | 45 | | | |
GROWTH | plant vigour | navybean_plant vigour,measured as: 1,2,3,4,5 | 3 - intermediate | | | |
GROWTH | vine type | navybean_vine type,measured at R8 growth stage (pod filling),measured as: 1,2,3,4 | 1 - no vine | | | |
MORPHOLOGY | days to flower | navybean_days to flower | 40 | | | |
MORPHOLOGY | growth habit | navybean_growth habit,growth habit of plant,measured as: determinate bush,indeterm bush,indeterm climber,indeterm prostrate | determinate bush - determinate bush | | | |
MORPHOLOGY | seed lustre | navybean_seed lustre,measured as: dull,intermediate,shiny | dull - dull | | | |
MORPHOLOGY | seed shape | navybean_seed shape,shape of seed,measured as: cylindrical,kidney,oval,round,truncate | oval - oval | | | |
PRODUCTION | petal colour | navybean_petal colour,colour of flower petals,measured as: mauve,purple,red,white | white - white | | | |
PRODUCTION | primary colour | navybean_primary colour,primary colour of seed-coat,measured as: black,blue,brown,buff,cream,green,mixture,multi,pink,purple,red,white,yellow | white - white | | | |