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Category: GROWTH
  1. 100 seed weight (100 seed weight) navybean_100 seed weight,measured as: 1 seed weight
  2. hilum ring (hilum ring) navybean_hilum ring,hilum ring shape,measured as: absent,butterfly,narrow
  3. pattern location (pattern location) navybean_pattern location,location on seed for secondary colour pattern,measured as: hilar,lower,none,sides,upper,variable
  4. pattern type (pattern type) navybean_pattern type,pattern of colour on seed coat,measured as: blotched,dotted,flecked,mottled,striped,veined
  5. plant height (plant height) navybean_plant height,measured as: plant height (cm) measured at R8 stage (pod filling)
  6. plant vigour (plant vigour) navybean_plant vigour,measured as: 1,2,3,4,5
  7. sclerotinia rating (sclerotinia rating) navybean_sclerotinia rating,rating for Scerotinia disease incidence 1 = resistant, 5 = susceptible,measured as: 1,2,3,4,5
  8. secondary colour (secondary colour) navybean_secondary colour,secondary colour of seed-coat,measured as: black,blue,brown,buff,cream,green,mixture,multi,pink,purple,red,white,yellow
  9. stem colour (stem colour) navybean_stem colour,colour of stem,measured as: green,purple
  10. vine type (vine type) navybean_vine type,measured at R8 growth stage (pod filling),measured as: 1,2,3,4
  1. days to flower (days to flower) navybean_days to flower
  2. days to maturity (days to maturity) navybean_days to maturity
  3. growth habit (growth habit) navybean_growth habit,growth habit of plant,measured as: determinate bush,indeterm bush,indeterm climber,indeterm prostrate
  4. seed lustre (seed lustre) navybean_seed lustre,measured as: dull,intermediate,shiny
  5. seed shape (seed shape) navybean_seed shape,shape of seed,measured as: cylindrical,kidney,oval,round,truncate
  1. petal colour (petal colour) navybean_petal colour,colour of flower petals,measured as: mauve,purple,red,white
  2. primary colour (primary colour) navybean_primary colour,primary colour of seed-coat,measured as: black,blue,brown,buff,cream,green,mixture,multi,pink,purple,red,white,yellow

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The Australian Grains Genebank collects personal information, such as organisation, contact and address details for the purposes of registering donor information when new germplasms are deposited into the AGG, or as recipient information when orders for seed are placed. Once registered, you can self-manage your personal information through your user profile. No information is made publicly available as recipient of germplasm from the Australian Grains Genebank

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