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Category: CHEMICAL
  1. morphology comments (morphology comments) peanut_morphology comments,measured as: morphological comments
  2. oleic/linoleic ratio (oleic/linoleic ratio) peanut_oleic/linoleic ratio,measured as: ratio of oleic acid / linoleic acid
  3. plant height (plant height) peanut_plant height,measured as: plant height (cm)
  4. plant width (plant width) peanut_plant width,measured as: plant width (cm)
  5. pod beak (pod beak) peanut_pod beak,pod beak classes following IPGRI/ICRISAT guidelines,measured as: absent,moderate,prominent,slight,very prominent
  6. pod constriction (pod constriction) peanut_pod constriction,pod constriction following IPGRI/ICRISAT guidelines,measured as: deep,moderate,none,slight,very deep
  7. pod reticulation (pod reticulation) peanut_pod reticulation,pod reticulation following IPGRI/ICRISAT guidelines,measured as: moderate,none,prominent,slight,very prominent
  8. seed coat colour (seed coat colour) peanut_seed coat colour,colour of seed coat,measured as: black,buff,buff & veins,cream,cream & stain,pink,purple,red
  9. seed shape (seed shape) peanut_seed shape,measured as: cylindrical,oval,round,round & flat,truncated
  10. seeds per pod (seeds per pod) peanut_seeds per pod,measured as: number of seeds per pod, first number is most frequent number seeds per pod, second number the second most frequent number seeds per pod, etc
  11. stearic acid (stearic acid) peanut_stearic acid,measured as: stearic acid as % seed oil
Category: GROWTH
  1. arachidic acid (arachidic acid) peanut_arachidic acid,measured as: arachidic acid as % seed oil
  2. behenic acid (behenic acid) peanut_behenic acid,measured as: behenic acid as % seed oil
  3. branching (branching) peanut_branching,branching pattern,measured as: alternate,irreg with,irreg without,mixture,sequential
  1. 100 seed weight (100 seed weight) peanut_100 seed weight,measured as: weight (g) of 1 seeds
  2. eiconsenoic acid (eiconsenoic acid) peanut_eiconsenoic acid,measured as: eiconsenoic acid as % seed oil
  3. growth habit (growth habit) peanut_growth habit,growth habit following IPGRI/ICRISAT guidelines,measured as: decumbent-1,decumbent-2,decumbent-3,erect,mixture,procumbent-1,procumbent-2
  4. kernel 1st grade (kernel 1st grade) peanut_kernel 1st grade,measured as: percentage of first grade (large) kernel
  5. kernel edible (kernel edible) peanut_kernel edible,measured as: percentage of edible grade kernel (includes 1st grade)
  6. kernel grades (kernel grades) peanut_kernel grades,measured as: comment on kernal grades; early maturing ssp fastigiata accessions graded into two classes, edible & oil; late maturing ssp hypogaea accessions graded into three classes, vk1, vk2 & oil
  7. kernel oil (kernel oil) peanut_kernel oil,measured as: percentage of oil grade (small) kernel
  8. lignoceric acid (lignoceric acid) peanut_lignoceric acid,measured as: lignoceric acid as % seed oil
  9. linoleic acid (linoleic acid) peanut_linoleic acid,measured as: linoleic acid as % seed oil
  10. oil content (oil content) peanut_oil content,measured as: oil content of seed as %
  11. oleic acid (oleic acid) peanut_oleic acid,measured as: oleic acid as % seed oil
  12. peg colour (peg colour) peanut_peg colour,peg pigmentation or peg colour,measured as: green,green/purple,mixture,purple
  13. petal colour (petal colour) peanut_petal colour
  14. stem pigmentation (stem pigmentation) peanut_stem pigmentation,stem pigmentation of mature plants,measured as: absent,mixture,present
  1. palmitic acid (palmitic acid) peanut_palmitic acid,measured as: palmitic acid as % seed oil

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The Australian Grains Genebank collects personal information, such as organisation, contact and address details for the purposes of registering donor information when new germplasms are deposited into the AGG, or as recipient information when orders for seed are placed. Once registered, you can self-manage your personal information through your user profile. No information is made publicly available as recipient of germplasm from the Australian Grains Genebank

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