Place of publication:
Spic. fl. lips. 57. 1771 Jul-Oct
the priority of this name vis-à-vis Poa phoenix Scop. (1771) is uncertain
ARS Systematic Botanists.
Autonyms (not in current use), synonyms and invalid designations
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- Aldén, B., S. Ryman & M. Hjertson. Våra kulturväxters namn - ursprung och användning. Formas, Stockholm (Handbook on Swedish cultivated and utility plants, their names and origin). 2009
- Alderson, J. & W. C. Sharp. Grass varieties in the United States, U.S.D.A. Agric. Handb. 170, rev. ed. 1995
- Bor, N. L. The grasses of Burma, Ceylon, India, and Pakistan. 1960
- CIBA-GEIGY, Basel, Switzerland. Documenta CIBA-GEIGY (Grass weeds 1. 1980, 2. 1981; Monocot weeds 3. 1982; Dicot weeds 1. 1988)
- Cooper, M. R. & A. W. Johnson. Poisonous plants and fungi in Britain: animal and human poisoning. 1998
- Cronquist, A. et al. Intermountain flora. 1972-
- Darbyshire, S. J. 1993. Realignment of Festuca subgenus Schedonorus with the genus Lolium (Poaceae). Novon 3:241.
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- Grierson, A. J. C. & D. J. Long. Flora of Bhutan including a record of plants from Sikkim. 1984-
- Hammel, B. E. et al., eds. Manual de plantas de Costa Rica. 2003-
- Hand, M. L. et al. 2010. Evolutionary history of tall fescue morphotypes inferred from molecular phylogenetics of the Lolium-Festuca species complex. B. M. C. Evol. Biol. 10:303 (DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-10-303)
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- Hoang, H.-D. et al. 1997. Additional notes to the checklist of Korean cultivated plants (5). Consolidated summary and indexes. Genet. Resources Crop Evol. 44:361.
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- Instituto de Botánica Darwinion. Flora del Conosur. Catálogo de las plantas vasculares. 2008
- International Seed Testing Association. A Multilingual Glossary of Common Plant-Names 1. Field crops, grasses and vegetables, ed. 2. 1982
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- Jacobo, E. et al. 2009. Sowing date and nitrogen supply determine the outcome of competition between dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) in the Pampas region of Argentina. Grass Forage Sci 64:71-79.
- Kartesz, J. T. A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. 1994
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Common names
reed fescue – tall fescue – French
fétuque élevée – fétuque roseau – German
Rohrschwingel – Italian
festuca arundinacea – Japanese Rōmaji
oni-ushi-no-kegusa – Portuguese
erva-corneira – Spanish
cañuela alta – Swedish
rörsvingel – Transcribed Chinese
wei zhuang yang mao –
order_code | Status | Continent | Subcontinent | Country | State | Note |
1 | Native | Africa | Northern Africa | Algeria | | |
1 | Native | Africa | Northern Africa | Libya | | |
1 | Native | Africa | Northern Africa | Morocco | | |
1 | Native | Africa | Northern Africa | Tunisia | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Caucasus | Armenia | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Caucasus | Azerbaijan | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Caucasus | Georgia | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Caucasus | Russian Federation | Dagestan | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Caucasus | Russian Federation-Ciscaucasia | Ciscaucasia | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Middle Asia | Kazakhstan | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Middle Asia | Kyrgyzstan | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Middle Asia | Tajikistan | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Middle Asia | Turkmenistan | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Middle Asia | Uzbekistan | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Siberia | Russian Federation-Western Siberia | Western Siberia | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Western Asia | Afghanistan | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Western Asia | Cyprus | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Western Asia | Iran | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Western Asia | Iraq | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Western Asia | Israel | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Western Asia | Jordan | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Western Asia | Lebanon | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Western Asia | Syria | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Temperate | Western Asia | Turkey | | |
1 | Native | Asia-Tropical | Indian Subcontinent | Pakistan | Baluchistan | |
1 | Native | Europe | East Europe | Belarus | | |
1 | Native | Europe | East Europe | Estonia | | |
1 | Native | Europe | East Europe | Latvia | | |
1 | Native | Europe | East Europe | Lithuania | | |
1 | Native | Europe | East Europe | Moldova | | |
1 | Native | Europe | East Europe | Russian Federation-European part | European part | |
1 | Native | Europe | East Europe | Ukraine | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Middle Europe | Austria | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Middle Europe | Belgium | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Middle Europe | Czech Republic | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Middle Europe | Germany | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Middle Europe | Hungary | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Middle Europe | Netherlands | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Middle Europe | Poland | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Middle Europe | Slovakia | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Middle Europe | Switzerland | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Northern Europe | Denmark | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Northern Europe | Finland | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Northern Europe | Ireland | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Northern Europe | Norway | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Northern Europe | Sweden | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Northern Europe | United Kingdom | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Southeastern Europe | Albania | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Southeastern Europe | Bulgaria | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Southeastern Europe | Croatia | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Southeastern Europe | Greece | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Southeastern Europe | Italy | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Southeastern Europe | Romania | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Southeastern Europe | Serbia | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Southeastern Europe | Slovenia | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Southwestern Europe | France | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Southwestern Europe | Portugal | | |
1 | Native | Europe | Southwestern Europe | Spain | | |
2 | Cultivated | Asia-Temperate | China | China | | |
2 | Cultivated | Asia-Tropical | Indian Subcontinent | Bhutan | | |
2 | Cultivated | Northern America | | United States | | |
2 | Cultivated | Southern America | Southern South America | Argentina | | |
4 | Naturalized | Africa | Macaronesia | Portugal | Azores | |
4 | Naturalized | Africa | Macaronesia | Spain | Canary Islands | |
4 | Naturalized | Africa | Southern Africa | South Africa | Eastern Cape | |
4 | Naturalized | Africa | Southern Africa | South Africa | Free State | |
4 | Naturalized | Africa | Southern Africa | South Africa | Western Cape | |
4 | Naturalized | Asia-Temperate | China | China | | |
4 | Naturalized | Asia-Temperate | Eastern Asia | Taiwan | | |
4 | Naturalized | Australasia | Australia | Australia | | |
4 | Naturalized | Australasia | New Zealand | New Zealand | | |
4 | Naturalized | Northern America | | Canada | | |
4 | Naturalized | Northern America | | United States | | |
4 | Naturalized | Pacific | North-Central Pacific | United States | Hawaii | |
4 | Naturalized | Southern America | Brazil | Brazil | Rio Grande do Sul | |
4 | Naturalized | Southern America | Brazil | Brazil | Santa Catarina | |
4 | Naturalized | Southern America | Mesoamerica | Costa Rica | | |
4 | Naturalized | Southern America | Mesoamerica | Guatemala | | |
4 | Naturalized | Southern America | Southern South America | Argentina | | |
4 | Naturalized | Southern America | Southern South America | Chile | | |
4 | Naturalized | Southern America | Southern South America | Uruguay | | |
4 | Naturalized | Southern America | Western South America | Ecuador | | |
Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia
Russian Federation-Ciscaucasia [Ciscaucasia], Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russian Federation [Dagestan]
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Russian Federation-Western Siberia [Western Siberia]
Afghanistan, Cyprus, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey
Pakistan [Baluchistan]
Russian Federation-European part [European part], Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Ukraine
Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia
Denmark, Finland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway, Sweden
Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Italy, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia
Spain, France, Portugal
Northern America
Southern America
Spain [Canary Islands], Portugal [Azores]
South Africa [Free State, Eastern Cape, Western Cape]
New Zealand
Northern America
Canada, United States
United States [Hawaii]
Southern America
Brazil [Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina]
Costa Rica, Guatemala
Argentina, Chile, Uruguay
Economic Uses
Usage | Type | Note | Reference |
Animal food | forage | | Alderson, J. & W. C. Sharp. Grass varieties in the United States, U.S.D.A. Agric. Handb. 170, rev. ed. 1995 |
Environmental | erosion control | | Alderson, J. & W. C. Sharp. Grass varieties in the United States, U.S.D.A. Agric. Handb. 170, rev. ed. 1995 |
Environmental | lawn/turf | | Alderson, J. & W. C. Sharp. Grass varieties in the United States, U.S.D.A. Agric. Handb. 170, rev. ed. 1995 |
Environmental | ornamental | | Weber, E. Invasive plant species of the world: a reference guide to environmental weeds. 2003 |
Vertebrate poisons | mammals | | Kellerman, T. S. et al. Plant poisonings and mycotoxicoses of livestock in Southern Africa. 1988 |
Weed | potential seed contaminant | | CIBA-GEIGY, Basel, Switzerland. Documenta CIBA-GEIGY (Grass weeds 1. 1980, 2. 1981; Monocot weeds 3. 1982; Dicot weeds 1. 1988) |
Cite as: USDA, Agricultural Research Service, National Plant Germplasm System.
2025. Germplasm Resources Information Network
(GRIN Taxonomy). National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
Accessed 12 February 2025.