Place of publication:
G. C. Druce, Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 4:29. 1915
"F. trachyphylla Hackel" in Druce (1915) is treated here as an earlier isonym of F. trachyphylla (Hack.) Krajina (Acta Bot. Bohem. 9:190. 1930), the no. "2787(2)" in Druce (1915) being taken as an indirect reference to a basionym (Melbourne ICN Art. 41.3) in Druce (1908) List of British Plants entry 2787 Festuca ovina L., under which appears "e. [var.] trachyphylla Hack." (= F. ovina subvar. trachyphylla Hack.). Because part of Druce's (1915) entry of this name is quoted from Hackel, he can be taken as having contributed in some way to the entry, so the authorship can be taken as ascribed under Melbourne ICN Art. 46.2 (i.e. "(Hack.) Hack.")