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Genera and generic subdivisons of Cyperaceae Juss., nom. cons.: Abildgaardieae
Accepted Names
Exclude infrageneric names

Abildgaardia Vahl a Abildgaardia Vahl Cyperaceae
Actinoschoenus Benth. a Actinoschoenus Benth. Cyperaceae
Arthrostylis R. Br. a Arthrostylis R. Br. Cyperaceae
Bulbostylis Kunth a Bulbostylis Kunth Cyperaceae
Crosslandia W. Fitzg. a Crosslandia W. Fitzg. Cyperaceae
Dichostylis P. Beauv. Fimbristylis Vahl Dichostylis P. Beauv. Fimbristylis Vahl Cyperaceae
Fimbristylis Vahl a Fimbristylis Vahl Cyperaceae
Nelmesia Van der Veken a Nelmesia Van der Veken Cyperaceae
Nemum Desv. ex Ham. a Nemum Desv. ex Ham. Cyperaceae
Stenophyllus Raf. Bulbostylis Kunth Stenophyllus Raf. Bulbostylis Kunth Cyperaceae
Trachystylis S. T. Blake a Trachystylis S. T. Blake Cyperaceae
Trichoschoenus J. Raynal a Trichoschoenus J. Raynal Cyperaceae
Tylocarya Nelmes Fimbristylis Vahl Tylocarya Nelmes Fimbristylis Vahl Cyperaceae

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